Severn Trent Water
Principle Consultant:
Acer Environmental
Birse Water Engineering
Project Capital Cost:
£400 000


Two new water treatment facilities at existing 7Mld borehole sites at Kinsall and Ruyton. The borehole water exceeded the EC Drinking Water Directive limits for iron and manganese and a new treatment plant was required to reduce iron to below 200 m g/l and manganese to below 50 m g/l. Whitewater worked with Acer Environmental to develop a detailed process design for Birse Water Engineering.


Process design including preparation of Process Flow Diagram (PFD), Piping and Instrumentation Diagram (P&ID), control philosophy and specifications for major items of plant including aerators, filters and tankage.

The process route at Kinsall consists of aeration and pre-chlorination followed by filtration using pressure filters charged with granular catalytic filter media. After filtration the water is re-chlorinated before storage and finally de-chlorinated by sulphur dioxide injection prior to distribution. Filter backwash water is recovered and sludge held for off-site disposal.

The process route at Ruyton is similar except that aeration is not employed, oxidation being effected by pre-chlorination alone.

Severn Trent Water
Principle Consultant:
Acer Environmental
Wimpey Engineering and Construction
Project Capital Cost:
£4 500 000


The project consisted of up-rating of the existing 35.5 Ml/day Little Eaton Water Works by the addition of GAC and chemical dosing to supplement the original works which included coagulation, sedimentation, rapid gravity filtration and disinfection. Whitewater was retained by the Contractor to provide process deign services.


Process design including preparation of Process Flow Diagram (PFD), Piping and Instrumentation Diagrams (P&ID), control philosophy, detailed process design and equipment specifications for major items of plant including GAC contactors and chemical dosing plant

A new activated carbon adsorption plant was installed comprising twelve 3.8m diameter vertical pressure contactors for pesticide removal.

A new chemical storage and dosing facility was provided incorporating equipment for pH control by sodium hydroxide dosing, disinfection by superchlorination and dechlorination and plumbosolvency control by ortho-phosphoric acid dosing.

Backwash water recovery was included using settling tanks with supernatant return to the original works.

A new SCADA system and PLC based distributed control system was provided with links to the existing central telemetry system.

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